Max Rain - Statement

I use clay, wood, and paper as mediums, with imagery rendered in ceramic slips and stains, shoe and nail polish, and colored pencils.  I am heavily inspired by the late Renaissance paintings of artists such as Bosch, Bruegel, and Durer; the muralists and social realists of the WPA; and communist propaganda posters from China and the former USSR.  However, the true source of my imagery comes from the everyday aspects of contemporary urban life.  I currently reside in Hollywood, and I am fascinated by how seamlessly the extraordinary, the horrific, and the domestic facets of humanity all seem to blend together in this unique metropolitan environment.  In my work, I attempt to create narratives that serve as snapshots or captured moments of my chaotic surroundings.

In my recent work, I create narrative tableaus by rendering a figure or multiple figures on a specific ground.  The figures are often lifted from photographs I take while walking around the city, and their function is to hint at an action or a story.  The environments behind them anchor the scene in a specific location or situation, and are mainly perspectival views of urban architecture.  The figures present in my work are always enacting something, but it is never exactly clear what it is they are doing.  Rather than allegorical, I see a majority of the narratives I create as anecdotes - they are about social dynamics and features of human interaction, but they are not necessarily a piece of a specific puzzle, a representation of a moral lesson, or in service to an obvious greater conclusion.
